High achievement starts with a belief. A belief that in spite of all of life's challenges, we determine our level of success by the actions we take. I help students recognize their great potential and inspire them to build the skills necessary to make even the loftiest goals and dreams possible.
Finding an effective speaker for a group of high school students has never been more challenging. Joe has a way of connecting with his audience in an authentic way that not only brings a smile to your face, but also leaves you inspired to work at becoming the best version of yourself. If you have ever talked about "Growth Mindset" with your students, Joe is the guy to reinforce previous lessons. If you are responsible for providing meaningful college and career presentations for your students, again, Joe will deliver! Days after his visit, I still have students and staff talking about "the best assembly we've had in years!" -Cory Hake, Principal, Slippery Rock High School

Joe Klimchak impacts and inspires students by sharing his personal story of how an ordinary kid with a speech impediment landed his dream job as an announcer in a Major League Baseball ballpark. Through relatable examples, Joe gives hope to teens who've lost sight of their goals or stopped dreaming altogether. His presentations empower students to spend more time taking small action steps toward getting better at a skill and less time comparing themselves to others. His message clearly shows how grit, perseverance and integrity help make any goal possible.
"I have sat through MANY assemblies in my 16 years of teaching, and yours, by far, was the most engaging, passionate, meaningful and interesting presentation I've ever seen."
Hempfield Area SD Teacher
"Joe's journey in making his lifelong dream a reality is truly one of the best real-world examples of the "Growth Mindset" we try to instill in all of our students."
Slippery Rock HS Asst. Principal
"I was in a bit of a slump and feeling kind of lost, but today was the first day in a while that I have really thought about what I'm doing in life. Thanks for visiting my school today."
Northgate HS Student
"Joe is transparent and vulnerable in a manner that allows students to genuinely connect with his story. Hands down, Joe's story was the single best program I've seen."
Seneca Valley Teacher & Coach
Build self-confidence
Boost self-esteem
Lower stress and anxiety
Dream again
Believe their dream career is possible
Get motivated to learn new skills
Become more resilient
Actively seek opportunities
Improve soft skills